Howling At The Moon – Flash Fiction for 5/11/12

Photo courtesy Madison Woods

When you live in Arkansas, you can’t buy beer on Sunday. When you don’t stock up on beer, you run out on the weekend. When you can’t get beer on Sunday, you do illegal drugs. When you do illegal drugs, you wander around aimlessly in the woods all night. When the moon is full and you wander in the woods all night, you get bitten by a werewolf. When you’re bitten by a werewolf, you howl at the moon and attack and kill innocent inbred hillbillies. Don’t howl at the moon. Stock up on beer.

49 responses to “Howling At The Moon – Flash Fiction for 5/11/12

  1. Dear Ron,

    I’ll send you an emergency case of dehydrated beer right away. Just add water and you’re set for the weekend. Stay out of the woods and don’t look at the moon until it gets there.

    Nice story and the first of what should be a raft of werewolf riffs. Good thing you posted early. Now you can kick back, drink and read.



  2. LOL Ron! That’s a good idea. I’ll keep it in mind if I ever moved to Arkansas. 🙂

    Thanks for commenting on mine.


  3. I was howling at the moon myself, but with loud chuckles. The line…”innocent inbred hillbillies…” got to me also. LOL. Terrific take on the prompt. Thanks for visiting me and commenting.

  4. I love a sense of humor! We can’t buy beer on Sunday’s in SC either, but I then I prefer wine and do my best to stay away from woods and hillbillies. 🙂

  5. This is a very interesting warning on the dangers of not having enough beer. Couldn’t help but chuckle at the part about the inbred hillbillies.

  6. Marvelous. The funniest one I’ve seen and the first with a werewolf. I guess most people thought it would be too obvious, but you showed them how to be inventive. I too, love the takeoff on the commercials. Here is Kentucky, we’re also beer free on Sundays. I’ll just have to remember to stay out of the woods.

  7. I LOVE those commercials! They always crack me up. I live in West Virginia and you can’t buy alcohol before 1pm on Sundays. I have suppressed the urge to wander in the woods. Nice job on this! 🙂

  8. Outstanding job, Ron. It’s nice to have help on the humor side of these prompts. I picked up a case of beer on the way home last night thinking that would be plenty, then my son & his buddy stopped by . . . (innocent inbred beware)

    here’s mine for those who haven’t seen it

  9. Note to self… must buy beer or else be eaten by wolves. Got it. Will not make that mistake again.

    And your story was pretty damn good.

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